Nata Ressler

  • Annual Winter Visitation

    Thor was not the first to be banished from Asgard, no, the first was Loki over twenty years before. Stripped powerless by his father, his life is saved by a short ten year old. Now he owe's the kid a life debt. Her only request in payment of that life debt? That Loki come and play with her for one week every year until the day she dies. T for safety.

  • Rose Potter and the Boy on the Broomstick

    Rose Potter has had a miserable life so far, but there is one light in the darkness, her neighbor, Draco Malfoy. Warning: Manipulative Dumbledore, brat Harry Potter, OCs, and somewhat OOC Draco. T to be safe. Plot doesn't really pick up until Chapter 10.

  • Praise

    One-shot. Rather dark for me. Praise can be everything to a young child, and in many cases, children who do not receive enough don't end up as good as Harry Potter, they crack.

  • Puddy in his hands

    Just a simple one shot about FEMHarryxDraco. I am currently working on the sequel to The Butterfly Effect, just be patient. I AM a very busy girl you know. Rated T just to be safe. Enjoy!