• The Four Horseman

    We walk down the alley and come face to face with someone about the same age as Daniel and Henley. "Who are you?" My curiosity gets the better of me and I can tell I'm not the only one that wants to know. - The Horseman's Journey to enter The Eye Has the Same End Point but I wanted to take an original spin on things throughout the story. Please Read And Review :)

  • Chris- White I mean Witchlighter

    During a fight with the Charmed Ones about Wyatt's morality, something terrible happens.

  • Havok's Havoc

    After Darwin's death, but before the finale battle with Shaw. This is a multi fic centered around Alex/Havok and how he deals with what's going on.

  • Shocking Pasts

    What if our favorite bad guy got there a little bit differently? And how does Emma Pillsbury fit in this story? Read to find out.

  • Trouble Twins

    Basically Now You See Me with a 5th Horseman. Join the character in their journey. May go off from movie a little but will include all major points.