
  • Kinds of Water

    [Collection of Gruvia Oneshots] Don't You Forget About Me: It's official. Tonight is the worst night. Ever.

  • Shack Up

    And look, it's not as if he's agonized or freaked out over it throughout the whole of their relationship but he just really wants to fucking know why she seems oddly resistant to the idea of moving in with him.

  • Date Night

    Okay, first things first, just to clarify; he honestly doesn't mean to interfere with Juvia's love life.

  • Spinning on the Dizzy Edge

    She really isn't qualified to be doing this.

  • Midnight

    He really should wake her up.

  • Ribs

    And maybe now, he's even more concerned for that bastard. Anyone who's important to her is important to him.

  • This Time Tomorrow

    [Modern AU] And suddenly, she feels like this, him and her standing here in the middle of a city they barely know, makes sense.

  • Wouldn't It Be Nice

    She honestly doesn't know why she even feels bad about it.

  • Sort of Strangers

    [Modern AU] So, he's got a favorite customer.

  • I've Been Saving Your Place

    When she doesn't come back the next day and he feels a spasm of disappointment, he realizes that her absence actually, does sort of, maybe matter to him.

  • Taken By the Wind

    [Gruvia in Avatar: Last Airbender Universe] Somewhere in the distance, he hears a butterfly flapping its wings.

  • Swallow All Your Pride

    She doesn't show and he swears that he only freaks out by a little bit.

  • The Umbrella

    He knows that he has somehow screwed up and he really wants to fix things but he doesn't even know what he did wrong that he hasn't already fixed.

  • The Necklace

    Every time he looks at the empty space where the necklace is supposed to be, he gets all twitchy and irritated.

  • Shoot the Clocks

    Either he's experiencing an extreme case of déjà vu or something, really, really weird is happening to him.

  • Third Wheel

    Honestly, he's just a little irritated because he can't help but feel that he's somehow out of the loop. He's left out and obviously not part of their little circle and it really upsets him.

  • The Secrets That We Keep

    Actually, he's pretty sure the only reason they're friends is because he can deal with her and she can deal with him, and not many people have actually ever bothered to try.