

  • Don't Change For Me

    Sherlock and John have started the second year of university and are roommates. John wants to focus on his studies as he has been given a golden opportunity but Sherlock has to deal with a lot; mainly his psychopathic boyfriend Jim. Sherlock gets help and realises something very important before the school talent show. Self harm, child abuse and Sadism. I don't own Sherlock.

  • Thin feelings

    My name is Irene Adler and I have been diagnosed with Anorexia. I met Sherlock Holmes after tripping over him in the park and found out that he was the new member joining our support group. Warning: Contains eating disorders. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this fiction of BBC Sherlock. Shirene.

  • Sherlock's Chariot

    Sherlock is paralysed after saving John's life and thinks that this means the end of his life. John has to convince him that that isn't true. Disclaimer: I do not own Sherlock or the other characters in this story. Rating is conservative, may be less but I thought it was best to be safe. Donovan makes a short appearance. If you put on your shipper goggles, you may see Mollstrade.

  • Fluidity of the British Government

    Mycroft is Genderfluid. This fic is a series of snippets from their life.

  • Cabin Pressure: This week Snow Lake

    Cabin Pressure. Off to Canada this week for Birling Day! No World Cup; just a fancy of a very rich man. There's a snag though; Martin is not allowed to wear his gloves - as for some reason, Mr Birling has complained about the fact he ALWAYS wears gloves. Arthur's excited as ever, Douglas is being... Douglas. He is not going last the flight without losing control!

  • Angel Spider

    Cabin Pressure. First in my 'Team Angel' series. A man with a gun aboard GERTI sheds light on a few things about Martin. There is danger coming. BAMF!Martin. Emotional torture. Past child abuse (sexual).

  • Cabin Pressure: When a heart stops beating

    Despite title - no actual, permanent character death in this fic. Douglas plays a prank on Martin in the air, five minutes out from Fitton; with disastrous results...

  • Cabin Pressure: Not a leg to stand on

    Martin lay there. He just lay there. Morphine did a funny thing to your will to move. It made him just want to sit there. He tried to distract himself a little though from what was… missing. Well, plenty was missing... Martin has always had bad luck, but a LORRY! Seriously! MJN cannot know. Three months to get adjusted, and he'd get back to GERTI and flying.

  • Cabin Pressure: Dark dreams

    Martin has started having very peculiar dreams at night. A beautiful, yet demonic, dream girl is changing him into her dream sniper. What happens when these dreams start spilling into the waking world? Can Martin keep it together? Dark Martin. Martin/fem!Moriarty. Warnings: Hematomania and other such fetishes described, but nothing too explicit; murder; and a few more things.

  • Cabin Pressure: I am We are

    A collection of drabbles in the voices of Carolyn, Arthur, Douglas and Martin. Warning: Child Abuse, Self Confidence Issues, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Smuggling, Drug Use, Drug Dealing, Inferiority Complex, Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Harm, Malnutrition and Depression.

  • Cabin Pressure: Tennis, anyone?

    Prompt: I want to see our crew play tennis. It can be an AU in which they are pros/trainers/commentators/agents, etc. Could be that Herc sprung tickets for Wimbledon and decides to take Carolyn on a date. Maybe the hotel the crew is staying at has tennis courts, and everyone finds out that Douglas Richardson is bad at least one thing.

  • It's not what you think!

    Sherlock has returned after two long years, but John is in no mood to forgive him. Sherlock hears imaginary whispering at a crime scene; is something else wrong? What happens when Anderson and Donovan get involved? (Anderson is still with the police in this fic) Spoilers for The Empty Hearse. Post-Reichenbach. Warning: Anderson and Donovan being idiots.

  • I can't

    Sherlock has an eating disorder. John will always be there to help. One-shot.

  • Mycroft's story

    Sherlock is seven years old and hates storms. Mycroft will know what to do! Sherlock goes into Mycroft's room and Mycroft has written a story just for Sherlock to try and calm him down. Contains Mystrade: but not slash. I don't own the characters. Please review!

  • The Doppelganger Bears

    Sherlock and John had some unusual child-hood toys. You could almost say their partnership was written in the stars... (Sorry for the cryptic summary, I don't want to give too much away). Johnlock. A two-shot.

  • Cabin Pressure: Aftermath of the Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission

    The Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission was an air combat battle in World War II. Captain Martin Crieff was among the casualties; shrapnel wounds, second degree burns and severe shell-shock. He will be invalided back to Blighty once seen fit to be transported to the care of his mother and siblings. War hero.

  • Sherlock Holmes - The demon barber of Baker Street

    Sherlock Holmes was a barber in Baker street. He pines after his long-lost love, John, and wishes to get revenge on the man who tore them apart; murder has never been so delicious. Dark!Sherlock, Dark!Molly. Johnlock, (Sort of) Sherlolly, Mystrade, one sided Moricroft, one sided Johniarty. I own nothing. Warnings: Gore and violence, depression. *Happier ending than Sweeney Todd*

  • Cabin Pressure: Martin's SAD

    Martin has always had anxiety issues. It has been a terrible week and the events at Qikiqtarjuaq are certainly to blame. Eating disorder in later chapters.

  • Meeting the team

    Cabin Pressure. Second in my 'Team Icarus' series. Martin, Douglas, Carolyn and Arthur meet the rest of the team.

  • Cabin Pressure: The story of Icarus

    Part of my series 'My Circus Now'. "MCN was a nice little troop. Carolyn the ringmaster in her sequined, three-piece purple suit; Douglas the high-wire walker; Arthur the clown; Carl the conjurer; and Dirk the strongman." Martin Crieff auditions for MCN as a trapeze artist and finds himself being thrown into their little family. If I offend, it is really not intentional. Circus AU.