
  • Surrounded

    As the firstborn son of an important highprince, Adolin Kholin is not used to feeling inferior to those who surround him. In light of recent events, though, he's starting to feel an unusual emotion: jealousy. On the other hand, his brother Renarin is quite accustomed to feeling useless. Major spoilers up to the end of Book Two of the Stormlight Archive (Words of Radiance).

  • Control

    After the Underworld War, Arlon the Serene receives a rather unexpected visitor: the self-proclaimed sun god Pyrrhon, who is acting uncharacteristically depressed. (Kid Icarus: Uprising)

  • To Be a Better Goddess

    Robin goes to the practice rooms, intending to train for an upcoming match, but instead finding a particular green-haired goddess acting unusually depressed. Robin decides to talk to her to see what's wrong. (Major spoilers for Fire Emblem: Awakening and Kid Icarus: Uprising) (Note: although the character lists both male and female Robin, this fic has only one, of either gender)

  • This Woman

    Lon'qu seeks out Inigo for help on issues about women—or rather, one woman in particular. Surprisingly enough, Inigo asks Lon'qu for advice, as well. Pairings: Lon'qu/Sully, Inigo/Kjelle (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

  • Lead and Follow

    At Elincia's coronation party, Ike is feeling awkward, surrounded by Crimean nobility. Queen Elincia, seeing this, offers to dance with Ike. (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)

  • The Great Game of Pokémari

    Lucina is awoken one night by Naga, who transports her to an Outrealm in which she feels which Lucina might learn something. As it turns out, this Outrealm is the Ransei Region in the Pokémon World - specifically, the peaceful kingdom of Chrysalia whose Warlord is Yoshimoto, connoisseur of the ball game Pokémari. (Fire Emblem Awakening / Pokémon Conquest crossover)

  • Din's Fire

    Princess Zelda of Hyrule, having been invited to the coronation of the Queen of Arendelle, suddenly finds that she must conceal her own identity as a magic-wielder, while suffering through a magical blizzard and helping out the Arendelle citizens who are taking shelter in the castle. (Frozen / general Legend of Zelda crossover)

  • Ninja Princess

    After her last match in Brawl, Princess Zelda from the Era of Twilight falls into a brief depression until Princess Zelda from the Era of Time arrives with rumors of another Super Smash Bros. event.

  • Viola Pride

    Brady from the alternate timeline wakes up one morning to the sound of the Brady from this timeline practicing the viola. (Awakening)

  • Hero of Lorule

    Ravio - and his close friend Sheerow - wonder if there's something more that he should be doing to help Link save Hyrule and Lorule. (A Link between Worlds - contains major endgame spoilers!)