
  • What Ended My Last Relationship?

    What ended Sirius' last relationship? Apparently, German dungeon porn. This is for Wouldtheywriteasongforyou's Cards Against Humanity Competition.

  • Boyfriend Vs Best Friend

    An angsty Lily/James story with an OC. Written for blurs of red and blonde. R&R?

  • Finding Common Ground

    Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are faced with their worst nightmares: living together in the Heads' rooms. But this is their 8th year and they've both changed a lot, thanks to the war. Can they make this work?

  • Why Can't I Sleep At Night?

    "Why can't I sleep at night?" "A windmill full of corpses" This is for Wouldtheywriteasongforyou's Cards Against Humanity Competition.

  • Hogsmeade meetings

    Harry and Ginny are separated the last year of Ginny's schooling. How do they see each other?

  • An Actual Date

    A drabble written for a contest about Ron and Hermione.

  • The Color of Mourning

    A drabble in which George contemplates his brother's death. Written for Alohamora080's True Colors competition.

  • The Perfect Evening

    Cho and Harry's engagement. R&R?

  • Transfiguration

    Narcissa's favorite subject. for lella7's My Favorite Subject Competiton. R&R?

  • That Last Battle

    Colin's death; r&r?

  • Death Brings Happiness

    Dobby's death, for Vicky's contest.

  • A Fight in Nature

    A Lucy/Lysander story by category, but feel free to imagine the characters to be your fave next-gen characters. A fight takes place in a beautiful scene. R&R?

  • Unexpected Circumstances

    How do Harry and Pansy end up going to the Yule Ball together? And how does that effect their lives? Read to find out, and while your there, review.

  • Lavender's Crush

    Lavender's happiest moment

  • A Thousand Memories

    series of drabbles inspired by songs for Ron/Hermione. R&R please

  • Perfection

    Gilderoy Lockhart's happiest moment. R&R?

  • Proving Myself

    James Sirius Potter's happiest moment, for Vicky229416's competition. R&R, please.

  • Prime Quidditch playing

    Katie Bell's happiest moment. R&R?

  • Parallel Universe

    Ginny's happiest moment. R&R?

  • Plop!

    Fred's happiest moment