

  • Disney's Lord of the Rings

    This was inspired by different YouTube videos and I just wanted to see if I could attempt it. I won't do the full movies, goodness knows that would take awhile but I will try my best to atleast make you laugh as you imagine some of your favorite characters get into these situations

  • Angelica's Surprise

    17 year old Angelica and Chuckie admit their feelings for each other and attend a party together that will forever change their lives! Rated T for suggested content

  • Luna's Big Question

    Luna and her bandmates take a trip to Cleveland, Ohio to visit the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. But Luna may have something very special planned for Sam

  • McGee Family Thanksgiving

    For their first Thanksgiving in Brighton, the McGee family invite over Nin along with Libby and her mother

  • Harry Potter Alternate family

    One thing that has recently left me wondering, how did none of Harry Potter's Muggle teachers never notice that there was a skinny, unkempt boy with clothes that weren't right for the weather in their class? This is an idea of what might have happened if the authorities found out what the Dursley's were doing to him in his Pre-Hogwarts days.

  • Father's Learn

    How did certain characters who were not physically at Hogwarts at the time of Harry's arrival find out about the news, how did they react? Well, that's what I try to find out in this little story (There will be more

  • Lord of the Rings in Harry Potter

    It is the spring of 1955. Horace Slughorn goes into the office of his fellow teacher Albus Dumbledore where he finds his friend reading a book written by a Muggle. But Dumbledore tells him why he is reading it, and why he enjoys it.

  • Prof Andrew McBride

    We all knew there have been multiple teachers for Defense Against the Dark Arts. So I wondered, what other kinds of teachers were there? I thought it might be interesting for Hogwarts to do an exchange program with Ilvermorny, and I liked the idea of the character. I'll most likely do a chapter to represent each month he's at Hogwarts. This takes place during the twins' 1st year

  • Tonks and Lupin's Christmas

    Rowling admitted on Pottermore that Lupin's dad was still alive when he received his teaching post. I thought it would be nice if he knew his son got married and started a family. It's a bittersweet story Edit 2018: I got the name of Lupin's father wrong originally so I have fixed it.

  • Hagrid bonds with Lupin

    Two of my favorite characters finding they have something in common. I know Lupin say's that Snape caught Madame Pomfrey leading him to the Whomping Willow that one time. But I personally like to think Hagrid might have shared in that responsibility as well. I know in the Sorceror's Stone Hagrid isn't best at keeping secrets but I liked the idea.

  • How Peter Pettigrew came to live with the Weasley's

    I think many people forget that Scabbers was once Percy's pet rat. It's never fully explained how Percy came to possess him, and I can't imagine Wormtail would have chosen to go into a wizard's pet store. After all, he had been in the family for twelve years, it seems more likely Percy would've stumbled on him accidentally and heaven knows how far Peter's house was from the Burrow.

  • McGonagall tells the truth

    I often wondered if McGonagall ever told Harry that she was there on the night Dumbledore left him at Number 4 Privet Drive. It's never fully revealed (to my knowledge) but I can imagine it might have played out something like this.

  • Colin Creevey's Adventures in the Afterlife

    So, when I was in twelfth grade, I discovered the Mighty Max cartoon on YouTube. Well, the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was still fresh in my mind and I thought to myself: "Wouldn't it be cool if they could do a show where Colin Creevey continues to battle evil in the spirit realm alongside Yoda from Star Wars and Boromir from Lord of the Rings?"