
  • Collisions & Compromises

    Harry Potter. Sherlock Holmes. The resemblance was superficial, but genetics do not lie. And if anybody was going to give Sherlock Holmes a son and then hide it away, give it the name of her estranged husband, it -would- have been Lily Evans Potter.

  • The Tracks of My Tears

    When a rival werewolf pack killed Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale made sure they suffered, John Stilinski grieved, and life moved on as it is wont to do. Then Stiles Stilinski was found in a forest in Oregon, and his exhumed grave revealed an empty coffin. And suddenly, the questions surrounding Stiles' disappearance are the least of their worries.

  • The Depravities of Sherlock Holmes

    He said that it was nothing He told himself that it was all for a case. He was lying. He was an addict, just like his brother had always said he was. And it was only matter of time before he returned to his old habits.

  • Una Scuola Differente, Una Vita Cambiata

    Hogwarts isn't the only school of magic. So who is to say that other schools wouldn't attempt to entice Harry to their school? But there are so many choices ... and Durmstrang is simply the first to attempt to entice The Boy Who Lived to their school.

  • An Attempt

    Harry has been living with Dumbledore, the summer after his fifth year, and has been indulging in muggle drugs to force away the image of Voldemorts torture sessions. being rewritten!

  • In the Blink of an Eye

    Jack Sparrow liked pretty things. Always had; like to collect them, wear them. But there was one thing in his possession he would not part with; one item he hid, never let others ogle it. No, this item was one he was not proud of. It was his wand.

  • The Shattered Glass

    When Harry Potter is kidnapped by a lone vampire, secrets are revealed - and the lives of Dudley Dursley and harry Potter himself are irrevocably changed forever.

  • Ashari

    Ashari : a race of elfkind who secreted themselves away from the rest of humanity centuries ago, existing now in legends only to the rest of humanity. He was Ashari, but only half. Raised in a family that was not his own, the Ashari have returned to claim what is theirs . . . And Ron Weasley's life will never be the same.

  • Life's Blood, Soul's Essence

    While wandering the halls of Hogwarts, Severus Snape stumbles upon a student having a mental breakdown in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, inflicting serious wounds upon himself. A boy named Harry Potter. Being Rewritten.

  • Vampire's Lament

    My name is Harry Potter, and I'd like to share with you the story of my life. Or my death, as the case may be. Being Re-written.

  • Dear

    Who knew a letter could destroy so many lives? Who knew a mother's need to protect her only child could lead to so much heartbreak? OOC since book 5. Features Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter. NOT SLASH! Chapter 9 Uploaded.

  • It's All A Dream

    What if everything you thought was true turned out to be a lie? full summary inside no pairings currently .... it was all just a dream .... hogwarts, magic .... chapter 7 uploaded.

  • Prince

    Voldemort is dead. The wizarding world has rejoiced, before returning to some semblance of normalcy. The summer before 7th Year Harry Potter mysteriously dissappears, but there is no sign of forced entry ... Larger summary inside. Chapter 4 up!

  • A Slytherin in Gryffindor

    More hot chocolate for the crazy boy who DID want to be sorted into Slytherin! Raised in a family steeped in the dark arts, with a long tradition of ending up in Slytherin, who ever said Sirius wanted to be in Gryffindor?

  • Massacre at the Burrow

    Nearly the entire Weasley family has been massacred. Now, one of the three survivors of the massacre deals with losing hs family, and forges a friendship in the most unlikely of places. Chapter 9 Up!

  • Les Vampires

    Vampires. A myth, a legend, even to the wizarding world. Harry Potter is about to find out just how real they really are ... {CHAPTERS 18 UP}

  • RedHaired DeathEater

    He was forced to take the dark mark against his will. What do you do you do when you can't turn to your own twin for comfort? {fredoc] [revised and rewritten] CHAPTER 9 UPLOADED!

  • Wolf's Rain

    After falling in an unnatural slumber in the woods outside of Privet Drive, Harry awakens to find himself in an unfamiliar world, with a man named Zarth who bears a shocking resemblance to Remus Lupin ........ {chapter 3 uploaded!}

  • Life's Chance, Life's Blood

    warning: slash and self-mutilation (cutting). the summer after 5th year is on eof Harry's worst yet, and he finds himself turning to cutting as a way to deal with it. After a while, though, even that doesn't seem to be enough ........

  • A New Direction

    Harry Potter's life has taken a new direction since his godfather's death. And it's not neccessarily a good direction ........