
  • Debrief

    Ilaria's fortunate enough to be in for one more surprise emerging from the 'incident' at Arctic BioSystems. Two of their agents returned from the base, but there was one more that, by all rights, should have.

  • Homecoming

    He survived Arctic BioSystems. He survived the Narvik outbreaks. He got out of Ilaria and didn't look back. They just didn't agree much with that. Between seasons 1 and 2 with spoilers for both.

  • The Fire is Coming

    Ilaria High already had a creepy chemistry teacher, a singing janitor, and a principal that scares even some of the staff. Not like adding a kid on intense probation for a crime he won't talk about will make things that much weirder, right? Helix high school AU, pretty much all crack - and it'll just get stranger from here.

  • What's In a Name

    "It was obvious he had made up the name himself, but there had never been much reason to consider what he'd been called before the apocalypse hit." One-shot, pre-finale - hints of the start of a possible romance

  • And We'll Piece it Together as We Go

    You learn things about people when you're on the run together. Sergio might not be an open book, but Anana isn't exactly blind either. Five things she learns about a certain Brazilian mercenary in the midst of hotwiring cars, Starbucks stops, and dodging Ilaria.

  • Come Attrition, Come Hell

    He still has no idea what exactly he's started with this woman...all he knows is that he needs her to stay alive. Immediately post Day 13 one shot

  • Storm's Blowing In

    "Life's dangerous. Be stupid not to realize that. Doesn't mean we run from anything that might just potentially hurt us, does it?" One-shot speculation focusing on Sergio and Anana dealing with the consequences of Day 12

  • Action and Reaction

    Everything about this was a bad idea, but even so...They'd probably be dead tomorrow anyway, right? One-shot of Sergio's point of view during the scene at the end of Day 10 - and a few seconds that they didn't actually show us.

  • Boiling the Frog

    Put a frog in warm water and slowly heat it up, it'll be boiled to death without noticing. Growing up in the cartel isn't much different. Very short drabble glancing at Sergio's childhood and the transition from an errand boy to a trained killer. Mere speculation at this point.

  • So Did You Hex Him?

    Really short, really bad one-shot...x3 So what exactly enticed Lily to accept that first date? Read at your own risk, I personally think it failed.