
  • Just You And Me

    Just a one shot after re-watching 2x07. It's kind of out of character, but I just couldn't get the idea out of my head, seeing Alex as devastated as she was at the end of the episode. It could have been better, but i wrote it at 04.00 AM, so... Anyway, enjoy!

  • A Minor Complication

    Nikita is planning her escape from Division and with only 3 months before making her move she is stuck with a new recruit, Alex. She has to train her and teach her everything she needs to know to graduate and survive in that hell hole. What Nikita didn't know was how complicated things would get.

  • Pop the bubble

    Nikita eloped and got married and Alex was the last to know. Apparently she's totally fine with it, but Nikita's intuition says otherwise and intuition is something that's never failed the ex-spy. One-shot.