

  • Bearly Standing

    Culmets. RickyVerse. Angst. Angst with a Happy Ending. Emotional Hurt/Comfort. Time Frame: Season four-ish. Spoilers: General series knowledge only – through season four. Summary: Even the strongest structures can fall. If they're lucky, they have someone to rebuild them.

  • Bearly Effective

    Drabble. Culmets. RickyVerse. Angst. Angst with a Happy Ending. Emotional Hurt/Comfort. Time Frame: Any. Spoilers: General series knowledge only. Summary: The difference between a little help and no help at all is sometimes immeasurable.

  • Bear, Borrowed

    Double Drabble. Culmets. RickyVerse. Fluff. Family. Gray POV. Time Frame: Any time after "But To Connect". Spoilers: General series knowledge only – through season four. Summary: Some things are universal – even if they're weird.

  • Bearly Convincing

    Double Drabble. Culmets. RickyVerse. Angst. Time Frame: Early Season Four. Spoilers: General Series Knowledge Only – Through Season Three. Summary: To everyone else, Paul seemed fine. But Hugh wasn't buying it.

  • Bearenting

    Drabble. Culmets. RickyVerse. Domestic. Fluff. Parental Angst, I Suppose. Time Frame: Season Four. Spoilers: General Series Knowledge Only – Through Season Four. Summary: Has there ever been a parent who has not worried?

  • Bearly Midnight

    Triple Drabble. Culmets. RickyVerse. Angst. Grief. Time Frame: Post-"Despite Yourself" and Pre-"Saints of Imperfection." You know. That time. Spoilers: "Despite Yourself," I suppose. But mostly just general series knowledge only through S1. Summary: They say that time is a healer. And it is. But it's also a cruel mistress. And sometimes, it's both. Simultaneously.

  • Unbearably Cute

    Half Drabble. All Dialogue. Culmets. RickyVerse. Angst. Fluff. Family. Competency. Time Frame: Post Mid-Season Four. Peripherally references an Event in S4E2, "Anomaly." Spoilers: General Series Knowledge Only. Summary: Just a little conversation between two people who know each other well.

  • Bear With Me II

    Double Drabble. Culmets. RickyVerse. (Bearly.) Hurt/Comfort. (Also Bearly). Fluff. Happy. Time Frame: Open. Spoilers: General Series Knowledge Only. Summary: The Stamets stubornness can be quite formidable, but even Paul has his weak spots. Hugh is obviously one of them.

  • Ring Bearer, Concluded

    Double Drabble. Culmets. RickyVerse. Joy. Time Frame: Sometime after season three. Spoilers: General series knowledge through season three. Summary: Sometimes, it doesn't matter how you get there. It's the destination that counts.

  • Ring Bearer, Resolved

    Double Drabble. Culmets. RickyVerse. Hope. Time Frame: Sometime after season three. Spoilers: General series knowledge through season three. Summary: Some decisions take time to make. Others are made in a heartbeat. And some are both.

  • Equal Opportunity

    Vignette. Humor. Team. Gen. Perhaps slightly cracky. Season: Post-series/current day. Spoilers: General Series Knowledge. Summary: Torturing Daniel, it seems, is an equal opportunity activity.

  • Relative

    Drabble. Gen. Sherlock POV. Series: Any, though intended as three. Spoilers: Nothing specific. Summary: They say everything is relative. They're right.

  • Creature Comfort

    Gen, Hermione. Double Drabble. Spoilers: None. Summary: Hogwart's is great and all, but for a Muggle-born, there will always be things that are missed. Fortunately for Hermione, there are ways around that.

  • The First Rule

    Double Drabble, Humor. Remus/Tonks. Spoilers: Set between HBP and DH. General RL/NT spoilers. Summary: There are rules to these things, you know.

  • Thanks: I Needed That

    Vignette; Remus Lupin and Sirius Black Friendship. Spoilers: Prisoner of Azkaban. Occurs near the end of the book. Summary: Sometimes we all need a good butt-kicking.

  • The Sound of Silence

    Category: Friendship, H/C. Remus Lupin, Severus Snape. Take it as you will. Spoilers: None per se. Can occur anytime, but in my mind it's just after OotP. Summary: Hello, darkness, my old friend… Note: Not a songfic, but the title is too good to let go.

  • Serenade

    Remus Lupin/Sirius Black Friendship, Humor. Spoilers: Nothing specific. Occurs within OotP. Summary: They say that the sound of a howl is forlorn and lonely, but beautiful…

  • Ghost Story

    Gen, Angst. Spoilers: None per se. Set in PoA and then much later. Summary: Most ghost stories are spawned from a seed of truth.

  • For Good Reason

    Drabble. Olivia angst. Season: Two. Set during "Jacksonville." Spoilers: General through "Jacksonville." Summary: We all have our personality traits. And most of the time, there's a good reason why.

  • Immaterial and Inevitable

    Drabble. Peter angst. Season: One. Set during "Safe." Spoilers: "Safe." Summary: Peter is immaterial, and that leads him to only one conclusion.