

  • Remember

    "I think he got you worse." Deuce replied dryly, followed by another sigh. "You should be more careful." Cinque smiled, the sun slowly casting a longer and longer shadow behind her. "Well, even if he got me, I knew you were there to pick me right back up." She sounded chipper about it, optimistic in a way that Deuce just wasn't.

  • A New World

    Most recent: "Sayo, I…" Lisa tried to speak, before her voice faded. She searched for the words, for the way to express how she felt. A face flashed in her mind, the person she'd long yearned for, who would never return her feelings. "What if there's no one right for me? It always ends like this." Her words were bitter, carrying the last week of pain with them.

  • Abyss

    Vi wasn't even sure when she began to fall. She sank slowly, with shared banter and growing ease, too slow to even notice. With each defied expectation, she sank deeper. Spoilers for episode 8 of Arcane.

  • Respite

    Caitlyn remembered when, in the depths of the undercity, Vi rejected her attempt to staunch her wounds. Now, as she so gingerly wrapped a fresh bandage around Vi's forearm, she could only marvel at how far they'd come. Spoilers for episode 8 of Arcane.

  • Emergency Therapy Session

    "And now," Athena hesitated for a moment. "I hear discord in your voice." She stopped talking, and Apollo wondered if she hung up. He was about to put down the phone when she practically shouted. "It's decided! The emergency therapy session starts in 15 minutes. I'll be there soon!" Justicykes, one-shot, rated T for blood

  • Fills My Dreams

    "Mom…" the younger teen whined in her sleep. "No… don't go… please…" Weiss froze as the higher bunk swayed back and forth, unable to settle on its ropes. "Wake up Ruby. It's alright, it's not real." Yang's voice was identifiable now and carried mixtures of concern and worry. Weiss overhears a private moment between two siblings.

  • Falling For the First Time

    The thought that he was kind of cute was the first thing to flash through Kuriyama Mirai's mind as she received the picture. She quickly squashed the notion; youmu weren't cute, especially immortal ones that were half-human. Even though Kanbara Akihito was the only member of that category, he was no exception to the rule. Akirai, one-shot

  • The Space-Time Continuum

    Across the space-time continuum lie an endless amount of points. Each of these points consists of a single space and a single time. Most often these spots don't match up; the time is all wrong or the space inconceivable. But every once in a while all of the pieces fall into place. Two times when everything was out of line and one where it was a little less. Narumayo.