
  • The Memory of Bees

    Sherlock has been retired for 20 years. His days are filled with books and bees and visits from John Watson's daughter... until he receives an unexpected visit from the man himself. They haven't spoken for a long time, so there may be tears before bedtime. Echoes of Sherlolly.

  • Pulse of my Heart

    30 days and 30 nights... That's all it takes to make her fall in love with him. He lies to himself that it's all for the case, but everything seems to be falling apart. He's feeling, he's using, and he's losing the battle to stay detached and mercenary. Then he realises he's chosen a woman who's too much like himself to just walk away from. SHERLINE - ADULT THEMES

  • The Other You

    S1. Set during the episode Greed for a Pirates Dream. Ever wondered what happened to everyone who left the boat? Lucas spends some time alone with Katie and finds out she's not the woman he thought she was. Meanwhile, there's a mystery to solve. The NASA base in Hilo, Hawaii, is home to the hyper-reality project. It's time to win over the government, but there is also a saboteur...

  • Revenge

    Season 3. A vignette in which Rimmer seeks revenge for the camphor-wood Trunk Lister burned while they were marooned. Cat and Kryten are forced to take sides. Okay, Kryten does, the Cat just looks at himself in the mirror all day long. Practical jokes and afternoon tea on the observation deck complete the farce. Rated T for disgusting insults.

  • Things Lucas Never Wanted to Know

    Season1. Canon... ish! Cute little oneshot. Lucas goes snooping and finds out some new things about each of the crew members. His life will never be the same again!

  • Pebbles

    Ben and Katie meet up before she goes back to sea at her new command. Set after the original seaQuest is destroyed but before the new one is built. Find out what happens to Ben... (Hint - it's not managing a fast food restaurant!)