
  • I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You

    *Written before episode 28* When Danny asks Laura to the university "prom" she must find someone to teach her how to dance...luckily enough her roomate just so happens to be a centuries old vampire with a taste for waltzing.

  • And You, My Love, Are Gone

    La Ferry angst as Perry tries to deal with the aftermath of LaFontaine's disappearance

  • Star Crossed

    When Emily Fields receives her acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry she is thrown into a world she never knew existed. In this world she will meet friends, learn magic, and fall in love. But in the Wizarding world things are never that easy.

  • There's Nothing to Lose and There's Nothing to Prove

    When Laura find out it's Carmilla's birthday she can't help but want to celebrate. (my take on the dance scene from the series trailer) Mostly fluff.

  • I Am No Longer Defined By All the Wreckage Behind

    Laura wants to know if Carmilla prefers any of her other names she has used over the years...

  • What If We Ruin It All And We Love Like Fools?

    LaFerry post season 1 finale angst with some fluff

  • The Pieces of My Heart are Missing Too

    Set after episode 34, Laura deals with Carmilla's death.

  • Let Me Love You

    The trials and tribulations of Naomily in series 3