

  • Make Me Feel Alive

    Just a little Valentine's Day one-shot. Emma and Regina were supposed to have a nice family dinner with their son, but it turned out to be a date. And it brings new feelings and realizations. Totally SwanQueen.

  • I Loved You With a Fire Red

    It started with a drunken Friday night. And now it's getting complicated. Once, not so long ago, they were convinced to be hating each other and, suddenly, they look into each other's eyes and find something they both need. Is this just honest friendship? Or could it be... love? SwanQueen.

  • Now We See

    The door scene, changed up a bit. What if Regina opened the door to Emma, but also finally opened eyes to both of them so they could realize what was in there the whole time? What if they just searched for their happy endings in all the wrong places? SwanQueen, fluff, one-shot.

  • Addicted To You

    Megan is having some pretty weird dreams lately. But more shocked she is when she finds out the mysterious person she's dreaming of is really,really close to her. And willing to show her feelings... Set somewhere after Season 3.