

  • Daring to Move

    First songfic - Switchfoot's 'Dare You to Move' James and Katie are both off sick from school when Kendall decides to text him about the crush he knows his friend has on his younger sister and dares him to take that first step for Katie. Un beta'd. Enjoy :).

  • Lucky

    A few thoughts throughout the time with Jo spent with Big Time Rush. One-shot! Unbeta'd. :).

  • Their Friendship Despite Appearances is Strong

    First ever Mighty Boosh story! I thought Vince and Howard really do have the sweetest friendship despite everything they say or do to other, they always look to each other for protection and then this happened...It's fluffy goodness! :D! Warning - Little talk of a panic attack and mean parents. Please be careful if you read. Enjoy all you lovely people!

  • My Two Favourite Girls

    Deeks sees something off with Nell then sees the bruises and tries to figure out what has happened. He then sees Kensi with the same thing and beigins to question what exactly is up until he hears a noise coming up from Ops. Who is the man up there and is he the one who hurt HIS girls? A bit of Densi/Neric in there if you squint. One-shot. Un beta'd :). Set S2 - early S3

  • The Ten Reasons Why

    Eric has always had a soft spot for the intelligence anylast and wants to explain how he feels to her. He has a list written down about everything he loves about her with full intentions to give it to her. Will he? Will Nell respond? It's a Neric one-shot full of cuteness. Un beta'd :)