CheetahLover12345 MOVED

  • The Twilight and Sun Cats' Journey

    6 cats. 2 rival clans. Will the 6 save the world? Or be welcomed to StarClan trying...

  • A Creeper's Daughter

    A young adult creeper, soon having a son, finds a puppy in a basket, in the middle of no where. The pup grows up thinking she is a creeper, only to find out who and what she really is...

  • Stand In The Rain

    Wolvian has always dreamed of being a mine craft youtuber. Suddenly, she finds herself with lots of other youtubers and friends! It all goes well until...

  • Midnight's Shadows

    Friends, become enemies. Good, becomes bad. Watch as the world of Minecraftia twists and turns into a history that will never be forgotten... becuase this in the history of how a traitor had became and saved.

  • Red Moon's Shine

    The bright blood stained sky set, making the battle clear. No one could miss a moment of the treacherious battle. One honorable owl, raises 3 Snowy owls, and one bright red colored owl. The red owlet has to try to live through all of the lies her father has told her and her brothers and sisters, or whats left of them. She turned out to be the one of shines brighter than them all

  • Hot N' Cold

    What happens when the Hot and Cold go to war? What happens when a young girl gets caught right in the middle of it? Not everything is certain, only this story will tell you the truth of what will happen...

  • Sorrel Acid Rain

    Being lost in the desert can be deadly, if your not prepared. Amanda was just lucky enough to survive the desert, or The Neather.

  • Sorrowstar's Destiny

    This is how a kit, became a hero. Follow in Sorrowkit's pawsteps, as she tries to live life, without a mother or father. (Notice: Constains Minecraft charaters, COVER NOT MINE)