Lynyrd Lionheart

  • The pirate in the library

    Belle makes a quick trip to the library after she returns from her honeymoon. In the process, she almost bashes Hook over the head with a bat. Killian/Belle friendship with mentions of Rumbelle and Captain Swan.

  • Into darkness we walk

    Oberyn survives the duel against the Mountain, but it comes at a price. Lyanna is not happy about it. OberynxLyanna

  • Icarus

    It takes exactly one kiss and five seconds for the world to fall apart.

  • Snow Burns

    They fail in the past so Emma disappears. The future has never looked bleaker.

  • The queen of broken promises

    Hayley has spent most of her life breaking one promise or another. Why should she be surprised that this one was broken as well?

  • New Romantics

    They bicker like an old married couple, and he gets in trouble way more than she likes, but somehow Caroline and Enzo become family, for better or for worse.

  • Ghost Stories

    ... and other tales of College shenanigans. 3: Bellamy gets in a fight for Clarke's honor. It wasn't necessary, but she kind of appreciates it.

  • Safe From Battle

    A collection of one shots that take place within canon for The 100.3: Post S2 finale. Clarke knows she can't go back.

  • Emma and Killian

    They have loved each other in a hundred different lives.

  • Stand in the Rain

    It had become somewhat of a challenge to Emma, the determination she had to never let her fears get the better of her. Pure CS fluff.

  • Vampire Smile

    Captain Swan AU. All Emma wanted to do was save her son. One tiny mistake during a spell instead awakens a 300 year old vampire with a thirst for revenge and an unfortunate fondness for her.

  • To Those Left Behind

    Henry finally tells Jo the truth. Abe thinks his father is an idiot.

  • Kiss Me Slowly

    Maybe it wouldn't affect her so much, if those dreams hadn't come so close to reality, if she hadn't watched Gold try to crush his heart. Post 4x11.

  • Who We Were

    If the end of the world taught Caroline Forbes anything, it was that she was more like Katherine Pierce than she would like to admit. So how is it that the consummate survivor somehow fell for the man whose existence is the reason she's on the run to begin with?

  • Persephone

    Skye holds the diviner and enters the city and finally understands... everything.

  • I Need My Girl

    Hook is ready to die, but he really would enjoy the company of someone other than Will Scarlet. Emma, on the other hand, is determined that her pirate won't die. Even if that means she has to kill Mr. Gold.

  • Touch me all night long

    Lya and Oberyn occasionally like to get intimate in semi-public places. Sometimes they get caught.

  • Kol's Horsemen

    -BEING REWRITTEN- They managed to fight their way back from the other side, but it came at a price. Now, as the darkest versions of themselves, they will rain blood and pain across the country and right into the heart of New Orleans. They have a grudge, and its target is the city's king. Post S5 TVD and S1 TO. Klaroline, Kalijah, Carenzo.

  • Where the heart is

    The Jolly Roger returns and Emma suddenly finds herself uncertain about her place in Killian's life. But she's NOT jealous of the ship, okay? That would just be stupid.

  • I Am Iron Man('s Daughter)

    Caroline Forbes was perfectly content leading her quiet life in Mystic Falls. But when your dad is Tony Stark, you end up getting caught up in the mayhem. For Caroline, it all started the day she got kidnapped.