
  • The Scream Queen

    Set three months after The Secret Of Her Heart. Sharon and Rusty enjoy a night alone watching horror movies, eating pizza, and opening up to each other about their current love life. I blame Ellie and Shelley for this. Rated T for curse words.

  • Savage Darkness, Hidden Love

    The hunt for a brutal serial killer joins together Captain Sharon Raydor, Captain John Mason from SDPD (played by Edward James Olmos), and Lieutenant Andy Flynn in a love triangle. Who will capture Sharon's heart, and who will hunt down the madman killing teenagers? Set beginning of Season 4. Likely a 4 episode arc. Thank you to my beta, Amie

  • The Secret Of Her Heart

    Set in Season 3.5 or 4. Andy & Sharon realize that refusing to admit their feelings is hurting them more than helping. There will be at least 4 chapters in this story. Enjoy!

  • 6 o'clock

    Sharon Raydor realizes what her heart feels just as Andy Flynn plans to leave Major Crimes. Begins after Season 2 Finale. Sharon/Andy. Shandy.

  • Endless Promise

    Takes place after Season Two Finale. Andy makes dinner for Sharon and takes a chance that she is ready for more than just friendship.