WARNING SPOILERS FOR PROFESSOR LAYTON AND THE MIRACLE MASK! Randall has been working on something for Henry.
Lindow decides to tell Alisa a little story.
WARNING SPOILERS! Soma needs his friends now more than ever.
WARNING CONTAINS SPOILERS! Sora has been captured by the organization. Riku, knowing it was reckless, broke in by himself to save him. Only to see unfamilar allies you will aid him in his quest.
WARNING CONTAINS SPOILERS! Riku is on a search for his friends and meets some new ones along the way.
WARNING! CONTAINS SPOILERS! Sora and Riku are going to school because they have to wait for their friends to get stronger.
WARNING THIS DESCIPTION AND THE STORY CONTAIN SPOILERS! The game is over. Neku changed a lot over that period of time. But not everyone was informed of Neku's personality change afterwords.
Izaya somehow gets himself where Shizuo can't get him so Shizuo starts to wait until he comes down.
Some drabbles on a new friend Zephyr made. Some including his annoying brother Areid.
What happens when Izaya obtains helium?
Minor Spoilers ahead. Ever wondered what would happen if these two met?
What happens when the Resonance of Fate characters are in the last story world?
Izaya is messing with people like he always does.
What would happen if Imca got seperated from Kurt and Riela?
Sequel to Past. I suggest you ready that first. Warning contains spoilers! What happens when Zephyr has no where to go and Layton takes him in? Add Randall's mysterious dissappearance too.
Warning contains spoilers. Ever wondered what would happen if Vashyron was forced to confont his past? And what if Zephyr gets caught in the middle?
Sequel to anger can be dangerous. Pascal finds a modern cell phone.
Hi people! These are the skits from my other story Jude, Elize and Teepo.
A little scene after the ending of The World Ends With You. WARNING CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Jude, Elize and Teepo were seperated from their other friends. Jiao is still looking for Elize. We the three of them be able to handle Jiao on their own?