
  • The Grass Could be Greener

    Some say there's no such thing as interagency cooperation, but the higher ups have found a way to fix it. For the next 14 weeks, one agent from Gibb's team, and one agent from the BAU will switch places for two weeks, one pair at a time until everyone has had their chance to see if the grass is really greener on the other side (Rated T for mild language and unsub violence)

  • Heart of the World

    What is love, really? It is the willingness to put someone else's life, needs, happiness, wellbeing, before your own, even if it means putting yourself at risk... Reid and Meave are each about to learn that the hard way. When a young FBI agent, asks for the help of a lonely, hunted, geneticist.

  • Protege

    On September 1st, having only recently moved from America to Europe, first years Raisa and Alex Carrol make their way to Hogwarts via the Hogwarts Express, upon arriving they quickly befriend Harry's daughter Lily, and while things at Hogwarts have seemed peaceful enough since Voldemort's defeat, the three first years quickly discover that things are far from what they seem.

  • Blood and Ice

    After a long buried family secret reveals that there is a third sibling in the royal family in Arendelle, Elsa, Anna, and Reid have their worlds turned upside-down, just as the reunion 30 years in the making is taking place however, American citizens start turning up dead in Arendelle and an old enemy plots to destroy the newly enlarged royal family

  • From Whence He Came

    While looking through his grandmother's attic, Reid finds a mysterious crate, its contents give him a window almost a century into the past, divulging secrets he never suspected about his family and how/why his mother's side of it came to the United States, helping him better understand his Nana, his heritage, even himself as he prepares for the next great chapter of his life...

  • Close to Home

    Someone is killing elderly women in a small town in NY, prompting the BAU to come to the aid of the local Sharif's department, but the case hits close to home for everyone when Reid's grandmother turns up as one of the victims. To find her killer the BAU will have to color outside the lines and uncover a tangled web of lies and loyalties. Can they stop him?

  • The Era Before the Avatar

    Before Aang ran away from the Air Temple, he disappeared once before. Old friends, new enemies, and ancient secrets await him in a time long ago, in the Era Before the Avatar.

  • Flu Season

    For the last month a flu virus has stalked the BAU, taking each of its members down and out of commission one by one. The only one who hasn't caught it yet is Reid, but that can't last. With every field agent down for the count, what will happen when a massive Blizzard turns DC into a frozen city of ice and only Garcia is back in action? Reviews Appreciated!

  • The Challenge

    Unable to move on, Maeve became a haibane of Old Home, but unlike the others she remembers bits and pieces of her past and this affords her a 2nd chance. Soon Spencer, tho he is not dead, becomes a haibane as well, and if they can deal with their mutual inner demons and reach the day of flight at relatively the same time, instead of moving on, they will go home...

  • The Unsub They Couldn't See

    2 teams, 2 agencies, are intertwined by friendships and blood, when homeland security issues a terror alert over an imminent domestic threat, NCIS and the BAU are ordered to work together to neutralize the threat, just one problem, it may hav already begun. Many federal employees are falling seriously ill, where/how did it start? is it a natural outbreak or a bio attack?