
  • Hetalia: Elder Scrolls

    What happens when the Provinces of Tamriel get personifications like in Hetalia? Well... Only one way to find out in these little short stories filled with all your favorite Provinces!

  • The Choices of Haruhi Suzumiya

    It has been almost a year since Kyon was dragged into the unforgiving grasp that is Haruhi Suzumiya. A god-like being who has the ability to subconsciously alter reality as she sees fit. As things had finally started to calm down after the Winter Vacation, a new piece has come into play. How will Kyon deal with the problem this time?

  • Leak- The Legendary Son of Raditz

    Leak was just a young Martial Artist, He lost his family a long time ago. Ever since then he's been living alone, while practicing mild Martial Arts. After finding a Master he hoped for a change... It was more than he expected.

  • The Nightmare of Haruhi Suzumiya

    The SOS Brigade had decided to go on a Spring Break trip to a ghost town in hopes of finding an actual ghost... What Kyon finds is far beyond what they expected and Nightmares they would have never dreamed of begin. Haruhi Suzumiya, Higurashi: When They Cry, Another, and Corpse Party crossover.