

  • Run with Me

    Sophie is afraid of everything in the world, herself most of all. She's content to live in isolation, always looking over her shoulder. Things go awry when a deadly super soldier quite literally drags her into the trip of her nightmares...and lifetime. She's going to go to places she's never gone before & see if she can finally open herself up...to the most unexpected person of all

  • Things That Never Fade

    Peggy remembers him at the oddest moments. He never truly leaves her. Time passes, life moves on, and still she remembers. She is proud of who she has become, of the life she has lived...but she can't help but sometimes wish the clock would tick backwards. Their time was short but the impact lives on. Because she can never forget.

  • The Second Trial

    Bucky thought just recovering his memories would be enough to save himself. But one year after he's done so, things are still disturbing him. He's started to have strange nightmares and blackouts, he can't stop wrestling with odd feelings for a certain someone, & strange new threats loom on the horizon. Things are about to get even more twisted than before. Bucky/OC

  • The Original Three

    Victoria harbors feelings for one of her best friends, Bucky Barnes, & a dangerous secret she's never told anyone. When she finds out both of her boys have died in action, she feels like her world has ended. But the world works in mysterious ways & when both men tumble back into her life, Victoria is given the chance to save & reunite them all...if she can only control herself.

  • Odd Pieces

    He is a skinny, weak boy who doesn't fit in. She is a beautiful, popular girl who doesn't stand out. Both of them hate each other on principle. Steve Rogers is the last person Alison Lynden imagines becoming friends with, much less falling in love with. But sometimes odd pieces of the same puzzle fit together in a perfect way, if only one chooses to let them.

  • Ultraviolet

    He stays in the fleabag motel and she's always there. She's always watching and he can't seem to shake her gaze. After decades of seeing the world in black and white, it's like there's an explosion of color in his eyes and he can't stop seeing the things he never thought he'd see. Even a dark and dirty world has color in it.

  • Heading Home

    Aftermath of CA: TWS. The Winter Soldier is lost. He doesn't know what to do next or where to turn. But with the help of some unexpected people, he's going to try his hardest to figure out who he truly is. Can Bucky Barnes ever be who he used to be?

  • Friend or Foe?

    Takes place during the after-credits scene of CA:TWS. The Winter Soldier visits the Captain America exhibit in desperate hopes of trying to figure out who he is...and finds himself unable to stop fixating on the false realities of his life up until this point. But it's always darkest before dawn and the Winter Soldier might just decide to see dawn sooner rather than later. One-Shot

  • The First Mercy

    Before HYDRA tells the Winter Soldier to go after Captain America, they tell him to after the teenage girl Captain America is in charge of protecting. The Winter Soldier is built to mindlessly obey...but the next 24 hours with this teenage girl make him begin to question just who he truly is.