Leila Secret-Smith

  • The Care and Feeding of Cloud Strife, Child SOLDIER

    Oneshots within the continuity of Seventh Circle, Ninth Sphere. Chapter 9: Sephiroth is nothing but honest

  • Cursed to Strife

    Cloud is cursed to bounce around dimensions forever. He meets many different versions of familiar faces. Chapter 13: Cloud winds up in a dimension that immediately greets him with not one, but two other Clouds. Weird.

  • The Angry Duckling

    Cloud, anticipating the end of the world, instead wakes up crammed into a body not his own. Or maybe it is his own—just tiny and enhanced and, oh yes, primed to be some kind of MIND-CONTROLLED ASSASSIN. That wouldn't be so bad, if he hadn't arrived just in time to be imprinted on his handler like a baby duck. And, even worse: that handler accidentally ends up being Sephiroth.

  • Hey, Asshole!

    A time-traveling Cloud takes the direct route in fixing Genesis and Angeal's degradation. This backfires immediately. (featuring Slightly Feral Time-Traveler Cloud and several extremely baffled SOLDIERs)

  • Beware, Beware, the Dragonborn Comes

    Miraak waits atop the Summit of Apocrypha as the last Dovahkiin approaches. Oneshot.

  • Honor for my Brothers

    The Dragonborn has had more than enough of Tullius and Ulfric, especially when they truly begin to dishonor her dead brothers. Set during Season Unending. Oneshot.

  • First Contact

    The Dovahkiin investigates the first of Miraak's monoliths. Turns out she's not as strong as she thinks. Oneshot.