
  • Second Chances

    When the Magic Knights return to Cephiro, Clef is glad for a chance to make amends. Set in the manga universe.

  • Fire's Test

    Hikaru undergoes Rayearth's trial. Set in the manga universe.

  • Wind's Test

    Fuu undergoes Windam's trial. Set in the manga universe.

  • Water's Test

    Umi undergoes Selece's trial. Set in the manga universe.

  • Troubling Realizations, Difficult Decisions

    When Lantis figures out Emeraude and Zagato's secret, he is troubled. After he realizes that Clef also knows their secret, he knows that he must make his own decision on what to do about it. Set in the manga universe. Contains MAJOR spoilers for the ending of Magic Knight Rayearth 1.

  • Troubled Times

    For the entire time that he had been aware of Emeraude and Zagato's secret, Clef had been seeking a way to change things. When it became too late, all he could feel was grief. Set in the manga universe. Contains MAJOR spoilers for the ending of Magic Knight Rayearth 1.

  • Tragedy and Leave-taking

    After the death of Emeraude and Zagato, Lantis becomes determined to stop their tragedy from repeating - at any cost. Eagle becomes just as determined to keep Lantis from dying in the process. Set in the manga universe.

  • Cephiran Musings

    A collection of short pieces set in the MKR universe, mostly written for prompts from other sites.

  • Nighttime Musings, Nighttime Meeting

    As Hikaru wanders the castle on the Magic Knights' first night back in Cephiro, she considers the country's future and faces her own past actions. Set in the manga universe.

  • Loyal Blade

    Hikaru's sword has its own perspective on things. Set in the manga universe.

  • Sleepless

    On the Magic Knights' first night back in Cephiro, Fuu can't sleep and neither can Ferio. Set in the manga universe.

  • Learning the Truth

    After the Magic Knights fulfill their duty and leave, Clef tells Ferio, Presea, and Lafarga the truth of the legend. Set in the manga universe.

  • A Painful Duty

    Clef will aid the Magic Knights as he promised Emeraude, but he dearly wishes it wasn't necessary. Set in the manga universe. Contains MAJOR spoilers for the ending of Magic Knight Rayearth 1.

  • A Surprising Meeting

    Presea is surprised to find three girls caught in the trap she set for Mokona, but she's even more surprised when she realizes who they are. Set in the manga universe.