Jasmine Clearchilde

  • The Black Lion

    Alternate Lily Challenge Response. Lily, in a last ditch effort to save her son sends him and her memories to herself in an alternate universe. This time it happens to be the Cersei Lannister, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. At the age of 5, Harry, named Tyegon, is sent to Casterly Rock to learn from his grandfather, Tywin, how to be a proper Lannister. Harry in M/F pairing.

  • Child of Light

    After hearing the prophesy, Lily begins to work on a spell to send Harry to another universe and escape the chains of fate that bind him. Determined to send Harry to another version of herself she calls upon a higher force for help. And the Red God answers. In the Game of Thrones, you live or you die. But what plans do the gods weave? Rating will rise later, probably