
  • look for me in the stars

    He watches her always, because not even death can make him let her go. Eight-centric, Nine/Marina. Connected to a drabble in my series All I Ask of You, called Beautiful Oblivion. T for a semi-suicide attempt, swearing and general violence.

  • pull the trigger

    she grabs the mouth of the pistol, but instead of tugging it from him like he expects her to - like he wants her to - she points it at her own chest. 'kill me,' she tells him, eyes wide and daring, lips set in a cold smirk. 'kill me and be done with it.'/ in which Enjolras is a snake in the grass and Eponine is his target. Enjonine, Epiferre.

  • Pretty Boy

    When Marina's best friend begs her to join the band he formed while she was gone for the summer to replace the lead guitarist, Marina is a little reluctant to accept, especially because he met most of the band in detention. But, she decides to give it a chance anyway. The catch? It's an all boys band. Stanrina/Navrina. Band AU.