
  • Going home

    Tsuna after he is put into his sleep like death.TYL Tsuna . I got the idea from tumblr. A one-shot but if there's interest I'll make it more. Enjoy :D

  • Things of that change

    After the representative battle the arcobaleno are turned into teen's. Tsuna gets a transfer student who looks very familiar but why are they acting so weird? What could have happened to make them change? How will they be able to help him and how will the other arcobaleno react? OC mafia family group./ First story / I will take suggestions on how to move the story along.

  • Wacky Transforation

    A story about how the arcobaleno are transformed into different things and to different places. Slso their reactions to this and others. POV switch between characters main POV Skull. Suggestions or requset for transformations of fandoms to stick them in the middle of are welcome :) enjoy!