
  • Reality Is a Lovely Place

    When Zeb signed up to test a new virtual reality Star Wars game it sounded like a fun way to spend a weekend. What he didn't know going into it was that he'd wake up feeling like he'd lived an entire other life in there-more than that, that he'd found a family. Now he'll do whatever if takes to find the other players in real life in hopes that they feel the same way.

  • The Courtship of Mrs Jennifer Bennett

    The Sequel to "Melting Jack". When Jack leaves for the South, Jamie's mom, Mrs. Bennett, strikes up a late night conversation with North about her newly adopted son. What starts out as just coffee between friends soon starts to turn into something more. Will Mrs. Bennett be able to move past the loss of her first husband to find new love? (Ships: Mrs. Bennett x North, Jack x Tooth)

  • Waking Up Again

    Tadashi wakes up six months after the fire in the hospital with little memory of what actually happened and seemingly perfectly fine. But when he discovers that he's undergone more changes than he realized, will he be able to learn to accept his new self so he can finally be reunited with his friends and family? (Rated T for slight fire-related violence.) Shipping: Tadashi/Honey

  • Melting Jack

    Jack Frost gets too hot while attending Jamie's birthday party and becomes human again. When the Bennetts take him in, will he have to decide between his growing attachments to his new family and his duties as a Guardian? Family secrets will be uncovered and past hurts will be mended as Jack tries to piece together his new and old lives. (Rated T due to reference to child abuse)

  • Becoming Hiccup

    What goes through a doll's head when someone decides to make them into a new character? This is the story of a Ken doll and his journey to becoming Hiccup. (Spoiler Warning: content from HTTYD 2)