

  • A River Runs Through It

    10.10 The Hunter Games thru S11 tag. Every kill pushes Dean deeper, the Mark of Cain demanding more carnage and ruin. Series of 100 word drabbles detailing another Winchester battle. Sam & Dean's brotherly bond. The final chapter, the final word, God's word.

  • Imitation of Love: A Valentine's Day Story

    Love wasn't meant for Dean Winchester and no amount of pretense would ever change that. Unattached Drifter Holiday was his schtick, a defense to hide how he really felt. With the scent of love saturating his surroundings and no hunt yet to materialize he had time to ponder this most foul of holidays. Preseries.

  • Family Starts With Blood

    9.13 The Purge tag – You're Winchesters, your lives will never be normal. You've died & come back so many times because you have a job to do & it's not yet done. Who else knows your history, has been there through the good & the bad? You don't throw something like that away. You find a way to move past the hurt to rekindle the love. 100 word drabbles. Dean's final goodbye.

  • Worthy

    9.11 First Born tag. Without Sam to temper your recklessness, it feels good to run full-throttle, all-in, with no reason to hit the brakes. Caution doesn't exist when you're on your own. Crowley & Cain say you're worthy. All you know is you're a killer and you're going to kill Abaddon. You hope when the moment comes you'll feel worthy. Dean!feels!