
  • A Kiss to Build a Dream On

    OneShot! Kate's number one fan misses a performance and she instantly imagines the worst. Is it possible that the impulsive Betty McRae has ended her misery alone in her house? Or is Kate being paranoid? Betty/Kate, Fluff, Minor Adult Themes, Mild Lesbian Themes

  • Harry Potter and the Return From the Dead

    What if Lily had actually survived, but to keep her and Harry safe from Voldemort, she was locked away for no one to see...and then what if she were to return at the final battle? - Lily X Sev - AU somewhat - T for language and violence, this MAY change.

  • One More Time

    Post ME3. Dr. T'Soni and her father need to find Shepard. How many Asari Commandos, Shadow Broker connections, and various Shepard supporters does it take to find the possibly dead commander? Liara will never stop looking, holding Shep to her promise to always come back, even if it means back from the grave again. [FemShepxLiara] M for language, situations, and Shiara loveliness.

  • Dirty Blood

    Lily and Bellatrix connect after the worst days of Lily's life. Can love overcome pain and horrible situations? Femmeslash - M for Adult Situations - AU, but it fits with the book at the end which isn't up yet lol