

  • Following the Melody

    After a storm, teenage Emma discovers that things in her quiet town are no longer quite as she remembers them. The forest holds a secret that no one from this world, or the next, can know about. She discovers that this new Storybrooke is home to creatures that are supposed to be myths and what happens when she starts falling for one of them. Vamp!AU, Rated T for now.

  • The Invisible Woman

    Emma had been dreaming peacefully when something woke her up. Rated M for sexy times.

  • The Truth Behind Lies

    Emma and Regina are childhood friends but when Cora intervenes their lives are ripped apart. With Emma in a world she doesn't know and Regina being forced into a fate she doesn't want, will their innocent connection as children be enough to bring them back together? Rated T for now, may be updated depending on how things go.

  • The Touches You Leave

    Regina moves to Storybrooke in the middle of her senior year of high school. For one of her assignments, she's tasked with finding out one of the towns biggest secrets. On the way, she meets a strange blonde, who will forever turn her world upside down and there's nothing she can do about it.

  • Fishing Out the Truth

    Prompt: Regina goes on a fishing trip with David, Snow, Henry & Emma so they can spend some time together as a family (and she's only going because of Henry).

  • Naked Attraction

    AU Prompt- Emma accidently gains the power to see through peoples' clothing by Regina.

  • The Juvenile Game Boy

    When Regina catches Emma ignoring her Sheriff duties, a bet involving a childish game gets Emma in an unexpected situation. Short one-shot.