

  • For the Best

    When the planet Miranda suddenly drops contact with the Alliance, a team is sent to discover and report back what happened to the people that lived there. Five military escorts and five scientists are employed by Parliament to take up the mission, among them is Doctor Caron, an upcoming behavioral and social scientist. What they find there will change the 'Verse forever. *On Hiatus

  • The Jo Collective

    Vignettes about Jo's experiences hunting, scattered all over the Winchester's time line. Not in seasonal order, pick a chapter and read without having to read any of the other chapters. Each is a short story!

  • Blackened Album

    Season 10 SPOILERS! What if Sam will never cure Deanmon? Jo tests out life with magical aid, brother is on the hunt for blackened brother, Hell is slipping from Crowley's fingers, and the rouge witch Rowena stirs up trouble for all sides in the background. When no one is on the same team and everyone has their own motives, how will the supernatural world fair in complete chaos?