
  • Immortalis Dominus Dominatus

    To paraphrase J.K. Rowling: If you are going to write about evil, you must show what that means. Follow Riddle's path into the the abyss of darkness and his rise into power. {a story in progress}

  • Coming of Age: The Lily Evans Chronicles

    Follow Lily's journey through Hogwarts as she encounters pain, anguish, laughter, friendship, death, acceptance, and love.

  • That Occasional Irregularity

    Lord Voldemort has his body back. Now, he has a difficult problem. How did it happen? What should he do?

  • Desultory Muse

    Ever wonder what was going through Riddle's mind shortly after he left Hogwarts? This is my first attempt at a songfic (to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen). PG-13 for dark theme and Oedipus Complex suggestion.

  • Fur Furis

    This is a study in human tragedy. ***Golden Quill Award Winner for Best Horror***

  • Scar Head = Enemy Mine

    A diatribe by a certain Hogwarts student, who definitely has issues. NP

  • Time Spent in a Trunk

    Mad-Eye Moody shares with the reader his confinement in his own trunk. NP