
  • Reconfigure

    Domestic McSpirk fluff, in short vignettes. While they revolve around each other, they still think a piece is missing. While there is nothing explicit, please realize this is about an M/M/M relationship; if you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

  • Dreamweaver

    One you've shared your dreams with someone, there's not much that can separate you. Except, of course, the fact that one of you creates the dreams, while the other lives them. When Geordi begins programming Data with human dream patterns, will it prove to be an experiment, or something more?

  • Staples

    A piece that shows the development of each relationship, leading toward K/S/M. In chronological order, from Starfleet Academy to movie-era. Three chapters intended, but I may add more :)

  • Action Required to Connect

    It's the flag that keeps popping up in the corner of Jen's screen, when the Internet fails her. It's what she wails to Roy, then to Moss, until one of them gives in and stops to tap the modem a few times. It's what they all tell themselves, as they feel so clever leaving the other two alone. It's definitely work, getting three people together, that's for sure.

  • The Art of Settling

    As the five-year mission draws to a close, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are having trouble understanding each other. For the first time in a long time. (K/S/M)

  • Cheers

    A series of 100-word drabbles that I wrote awhile back and never put up. Snape considers what should've been the proudest moment of his time at Hogwarts. I hope you enjoy this slightly different interpretation of an exquisite character. And I'm always appreciative of your feedback, dear readers.

  • Comfort

    A unique take on Severus Snape's final moments... that glint of green meant everything and was worth his tormented life, he was sure. But was it worth hers? He'd never know... T for a bit of gore, I mean, he's dying. A nice poetic piece that I truly hope you enjoy.

  • Letters to Lily

    A oneshot series of letters or notes from Snape to Lily, most of which she probably ignored. Chapters are all independent. Formerly titled "Forever Unfinished".