

  • The Trail

    What happened to Kitty and Thomas after their kiss in the last episode of the Crimson Field. This is my continuation to their story. Feedback and reviews would be lovely, thanks!

  • An arrow from the past

    1921. Oliver Queen has been missing for five years and he finally comes home. After volunteering in World War One, he was made prisoner by Germans in Africa. A tragic event ultimately brings him back to Starling City, where everything has changed. With the help of Felicity Smoak and John Diggle,he starts a new life. Team Arrow/Olicity AU (As usual, english is not my first language)

  • An unexpected day

    A few short drabbles, set after the end of season 1. Peggy's charges are dropped and she bonds with Daniel in an unusual place.

  • One song at a time

    What if Felicity and Oliver knew each other from high school? Oliver Queen is a senior having problems with a subject. He finds an unusual help in Felicity Smoak, a freshman - Note of the author: this is my first fanfiction EVER and English is not my first language. Feedback and reviews would be lovely thanks!