Sergeant Turtle

  • The Final Curtain

    Meridian #5 (Finale). Only one clan will rise from the ashes of a twilight war and Clan Hamato know they have to win – but will the price bring a bitter victory? Trust your family. Don't let go. It all ends here. (Rated T for the usual stuff, you know – blood, violence, scariness, emotional distress, etc.)

  • The Fledgling

    Martin's return shocked everyone, but all seems to be back to normal, except Martin is still mopey and listless. Carolyn quickly figures out the problem, and tells the team they're going on a holiday to her cousin's farm in Scotland. And there, they are going to help Martin remember how to fly. Rated T in case of stuff.

  • The Fallen

    Arthur knew he shouldn't have survived that crash. There was just no way, not without serious injuries and most likely coma or death. It was as if he had a guardian angel looking after him… Several days later, Martin Crieff turns up at the airfield, confused and unwell. But… Martin's dead – isn't he? Rated T in case.

  • The Feather

    'Uh, Skipper? This fell out of your spare jacket when I took it off the hanger. What's it doing there' A mysterious 'message' leaves Martin withdrawn and jumpy. When the others question him, he evades them saying it's nothing. As time passes Martin becomes more and more distracted, until it's quite clear that something is terribly wrong. Rated T for character death.