
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Four Sacred Winds Book Two--The Hero of Life

    To absolve her of her use of forbidden Fairy magic, Mila agrees to take on a quest to become the Hero of Life, ordained by the Golden Goddesses themselves. However, what starts as a mere test of courage quickly becomes much more. To even survive, much less fulfill her quest, Mila will have to face perils the likes of which even Farore herself could not foresee...

  • The Legend of Zelda: The Four Sacred Winds Book One: The Legend Begins

    Three years after Ganon's defeat in Wind Waker, a new shadow takes hold of the Forsaken Fortress-and the Hero of Winds is an ocean away! Those who remain in the Great Sea must rise to face this evil, but there may be more to recent events than it seems...Rated T for cartoon violence and characters legitimately dying. (Title BG by NimbusThunderhead of DA)

  • A Smile and A Song

    Well, I literally never thought this day would come, but...my first shipping fic-Serena x N. When a young man from Unova meets a fashionista soon to be turned Pokemon League champion, there's no telling WHAT will ensue-but one thing's for sure...love is in the air. Rated T for physical romance that I assure you will not go beyond french kissing, but DOES include it. ;)

  • Yugioh OMEGA Season One--Neo GX

    It's the school year after Jaden's graduation, and the craziness is about to roll on for a certain second year student who made himself unnoticeable last year. A murderous murderess from his first year returns-and this time, the blood she's out for is his own! Surviving school is going to be rather literal for Marcus this year...(rated M for violent language and no Shadow Realm)