
  • Walk down memory lane

    Smells like Teen Spirit (6x15) insert. Kate has sudden desire to know more about what Castle was like as a teenager. One shot. COMPLETE.

  • Magic

    Taking the flowers from Beckett's hand, Castle grins. It's amazingly sweet to have someone taking the time and effort to make him smile, to have someone trying to improve his day, and these flowers have just become sacred. Poof! You're Dead (S3) post episode story, becomes AU. How a simple gift turns into something so much more. COMPLETE

  • The Distance Between Two (Season Six)

    One scene – A thousand words. The same challenge as last year; to create a linking moment between each Season Six episode. One chapter a day until Season Seven arrives.

  • Enough for now

    "I brought dinner. I didn't know what you felt like so I got sushi, I got some Italian, got some Thai, even grabbed some hot dogs." He offered proof that what he said was indeed true and her lips turned up in a smile, even though her head ducked, the loose strands of hair falling to shield her face. Alternative ending to Sucker Punch. Two Shot.

  • To Kate

    She doesn't need to see the words to know what they say. She's read it so many times now, and each line is etched into her heart, into a scar that will mark her for always. To Kate... Continues in the AU of 706. COMPLETE.

  • Apples

    "He's a reporter and I owe him a favor. He's thinks he's a friend, but…" Castle sentence disappears, his shoulders shrugging. For a man very rarely lost for words, she finds this only adds to her curiosity. What could this guy have on Rick that has him literally running in the opposite? One Shot-COMPLETE

  • Oh God, why?

    Because dangerous things happen when forced to watch Frozen too many times. CRACK FIC! Early season six.

  • Motherland

    On the surface they are living the American dream, but as the sun goes down, so does their façade. An Alternative Universe

  • From Ten

    How does one move forward when each step is in the wrong direction? Post 7x15 speculation (spoiler free). One shot.

  • I choose you

    A chance encounter leaves Kate questioning the decisions of her past and the road that she's currently walking with Castle. Will making a different choice lead to a new them? Or will the ghosts that haunt them both prove too much to overcome? A rewrite of 47 seconds.

  • Hovering on the edge

    She doesn't move closer, but she doesn't leave either. Just hovers on the edge. 7x01 Insert (before the last scene). ONE SHOT.

  • Lost in bright city lights

    With no reason left to hold onto where life was taking her prior to her parents' deaths, Kate Beckett stumbles into a different world. Can she keep herself and her emotions buried deep or will everything crack open when fate throws Rick Castle her way? An AU Caskett meeting. Ficathon 2014 Entry. COMPLETE

  • A one time thing

    If it only takes a moment for your life to change forever, can a 'one time thing' right the wrong? An AU Caskett meeting.

  • It doesn't matter

    It doesn't matter. Yesterday. Tomorrow. With his arms around her, here and now - it doesn't matter. Insert for 'For Better or For Worse' 6x23

  • S'morelettes and frozen peas

    Creating a surprise birthday breakfast for Castle was supposed to be the hardest part of Kate's day - that was until Castle got involved. A tale of a birthday curse. For Lydian who suffered on her birthday just as much as Castle has. ONE SHOT.