
  • Reading the Deathly Hallows

    Sirius locks Lily and James in the Room of Requirement where they find a book, with a mysterious note in it. The book had been sent from the future so they could change it. Who sent the book? Who reads it with them? And will they change anything?

  • A way back

    "Lily would you like to meet your grandparents, James and Lily?" He asked her. She smiled widely and nodded.

  • The Five Marauders

    "Lily you have a Hot Chocolate mustache," James said. "Oh," She said taking her sleeve up to wipe it off but James pushed her hand away. "I've got it," He said moving his face towards her to kiss her.

  • The Most Painful Moments

    A series of one shots set in the Marauder era. A lot like "The Most Precious Moments" except about hurt and heart ache. Rated M for a reason people. It can really mess with your mind. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, Snape, Mary, Alice, Frank... ETC...

  • Jump Than Fall

    Songfic - Jump than fall - Taylor Swift! James and Lily

  • Not Alone

    Abuse One Shot. Lily/James

  • The Most Precious Moments

    Drabbles from the Marauder era! Based on real life experiences! Mostly Sirius & James or Lily & James but others will be included! Rated T, just incase

  • The Lily Evans Theory

    Hello one and all and welcome to a test of friendship, understanding, forgiveness, hurt and well Witches and Wizards! The Lily Evans Theory tests the friendship of Lily and Severus Snape! And when James Potter joins the fun... Well... READ IT!

  • The Start Of Something Beautiful

    James Potter was never head boy, and Lily never gave him a chance. What happens when they meet ten years after they graduated, and they are seeing each other for the first time? AU! Rated T for Abuse.

  • Only a Dream

    Harry Potter see's a flash of green light, than nothing, suddenly he is a ten year old, and his parent's are standing over him. Both convinced he had a dream, and have no clue who Voldemort is! One-Shot!

  • Dear Mum and Dad

    Harry Potter is assigned to write a letter to someone he misses. He choses his parents even though the letter was meant for someone who had moved, or lived far away. What happens when he gets a mysterious reply? Rated T Just incase

  • Twelve Years

    Based right after Prisoner of Azkaban. Remus finds Sirius and they talk about what they used to be. Neither is over another but they cannot be together because Remus is upset he had no one for Twelve years. One Shot!

  • They Never Switched Secret Keepers!

    Peter Pettigrew died before the attack on Halloween night! That Means Lily and James Survive! So what happens when Severus joins the order of the phoenix? When Harry goes to Hogwarts? Will Lily and James Survive much longer? Read to find out the answers

  • I don't really know

    "I still can't believe I didn't make the Quidditch team," Sirius moaned to Catherine, a girl with large pale blue eyes, thick short brown hair and a round face.

  • Flash of Green

    One shot! Lily and Severus were always best friends but how do each of them feel starting on the day of the wedding, Lily and James are married and Severus is lonely and bitter. But will a flash of green keep him sane?

  • The Proposal

    Thirteen year old James Potter asks Lily's parents if he can marry their daughter. They never give him an answer. What do they say when he comes back five years later asking the same question? Awful Summary! Alright Story! Rated T Cause I like that letter

  • The Emotion

    Tom Riddle know's love. He is bitter due to love. He is crazed and wants to kill anyone who had hurt his love. Tom Riddle Know's Love! A One Shot

  • The Pensieve

    James Lily Sirius and Remus are making the last day of Hogwarts count! They use a Pensieve to remember the best And Worst Memories from Hogwarts. James does something he wanted to do all along. A One Shot! Rated T For Some Slash!

  • The Ultimate Prank

    James and Sirius pull "the Ultimate Prank" on Snape but will it backfire and wreak James and Lily's Relationship? One shot! Warning Contains some Slash

  • Ablus Severus Potter

    About Harry Potters sons time at hogwarts One Shot