Sunset's March

  • The Nameless Tarnished

    You aren't sure where you are or even who you are but you do know one thing. The place you've found yourself is dangerous and full of oddities. Luckily you seem to be some type of immortal though you aren't entirely sure that's a good thing. Well, no use crying over spilled milk as they say.

  • RWBY: Idiots' Ramblings

    I got some questions with no clear answer about the RWBY universe. What better way is there to get input from you guys than formating my questions as a story with no real plot direction?

  • The Vampire Heir

    This story is about a young man by the name of Eric. He had no knowledge of his orgins or his parents. What he does know is that vampires are now raising him and he plans to become the most powerful. Though his race of vampires are different then others. Read to find out how. Parings undecided, random updates, I suck at summaries. One last thing, enjoy the story

  • The Orphaned Wizard

    James an orphan with no redeeming background. His background has lead to him being a somewhat manipulative person to benefit himself in the world. Watch as he meets new friends and takes the wizarding world by a storm. Rates T for possible cursing. Pairings undecided.