Snippets from later years of The Enemy of my Father. Note: AU. Dumbledore is evil. Harry is in Slytherin. Blaise is a girl. Ratings vary.
Reposting: Harry is half-vampire. Severus meets the Dursleys. Author has no clue how to summarize story. HIATUS
Hagrid didn't get a chance to tell Harry that Slytherin was the ebiil House. Dark!Harry Fem!Blaise. ABANDONED
Harry's bored and at the Dursley's. Drabble. Letter-fic. NOW RATED M! HIATUS
5-part drabble fic using wordprompts. Warnings inside.
The Dursleys aren't horrible. Harry possessed Logic...ADHD...and an apprenticeship with Fred and George...sort of. Rated K for now M for later. HIATUS
What happens when Dumbledore is regularly skimming the students with legillimency, and one plays Tetris all summer? One-shot. Possibly Crackfic. OOCish.