

  • Guardians of Light

    Each year, magic chooses a number of eleven-year-old witches and wizards to protect the world from evil by granting them extra power. Becoming a Guardian is a great honor - and not one Diane Lupin ever thought she'd have. After all, why would magic choose a werewolf as a protector? Cross-posted from Ao3.

  • Can the Cycle be Changed

    In which the Marauders and Lily read the books with a really weird narrator insisting on certain bizarre ideas even though the neither the Marauders nor Lily can hear her.

  • A Broken Stem

    Rose Potter was proclaimed the Girl-Who-Lived, but her brother Harry is the real Boy-Who-Lived. Rose grew up with the Dursleys, but Harry grew up in the foster system. Neither one knew of magic, or really of each-other, but they are more than happy to find out.

  • Harry and Ginny's Completely Platonic Journey Through Time

    Harry and Ginny have been the victims of love potions used by Molly Weasley. When they discover the betrayal, they are distraught, and, in his anger, Harry accidentally smashes a new time turner prototype on the ground, covering himself, Ginny, and loyal house elf Kreacher in its sand. The three of them are hurled back in time, and now they have to do everything all over again!

  • The Daughters of Prongs

    Everyone thought they knew the story of the Potters. Lily and James Potter had died protecting their son, right? Wrong. Lily and James Potter weren't there that night. In fact, they hadn't been there in almost a week. Taken away and held in captivity, told that their son was dead, they eventually had more children...