
  • Episode Epilogues

    This is a series of missing scenes that add to—or resolve—the events of the episodes. Many of these scenes will involve a meeting between Kirk and Spock to talk over the events of the mission after the conclusion of the episode. I'll focus on the relationships among the characters, but there's no overt slash. Each chapter is a stand-alone story.

  • Popular with the Girls

    When he was a child, the other boys teased Spock ... but he was always popular with the girls.

  • To Love Me Is to Know Me

    Yeoman Rand's question about love at first sight prompts Spock to ask Kirk when Jim fell in love with him.

  • Spock's Appeal

    While Kirk, McCoy, Uhura, and Chapel are killing time over drinks, Kirk and McCoy want to know why so many women have crushes on Spock. So Uhura and Chapel explain it all to them. (This is unrepentant fangirlishness about Spock, put into story form. :-D) Epilogue just added!

  • A Logical Form of Relationship

    Jim wonders why a relationship that can't produce offspring is accepted by Vulcans, and Spock explains how logical it is.

  • Feeding the Hunger

    Sylar's reformation during "The Wall" was real ... but so is the Hunger. He needs to find a way to feed it that doesn't involve murder, and Peter has an idea that might help. But will Peter's plan bring them closer, or will it tear them apart? (The plan involves pain and blood, and Peter is consensually hurt. If that doesn't interest you, now is the time to move on.) COMPLETE

  • As Plain as the Nose on Your Face

    Hermione realizes that she's fallen in love with Snape when she finds herself admiring his nose.

  • Sins of the Fathers

    Why does Snape hate Harry so? There's a good reason, and it may not be the one you think.

  • Trauma Is My Normality

    After the war, Hermione and Snape have been working together on a task force that aims to prevent the NEXT war by preventing wizards from turning to the Dark side in the first place. They use Snape's memories — which Hermione views in the Pensive — to figure out what leads wizards to become Dark. Hermione sees something in Snape's memories that she wants, but SHOULD SHE HAVE IT?

  • They Say Vulcans Can't Lie

    James Kirk learns — in a somewhat unusual way — why people say that Vulcans cannot lie. K/S

  • Strength Training

    When Spock's biobed readings are anomalous, Spock has to explain certain aspects of Vulcan life to Kirk and McCoy. (No, not pon farr; this is NEW Weird Vulcan Stuff, not the Weird Vulcan Stuff you already know and love. :-D)

  • Rebel

    Kirk thinks it's an inarguable fact that he and Spock are very different, but Spock Prime begs to differ. (Although this story is set in the reboot universe, it's at least as much about the TOS characters as about the AOS ones; it's reboot because Prime was the right speaker for this little tale. (Rated T for language, but there's neither sex nor violence in this story.))

  • Guardian

    As the sole Vulcan on board a ship bearing 429 humans, Spock has an obvious role to play. Yet this role should not become TOO obvious, lest this undermine the humans' confidence...

  • An Angel's Soul

    Christine Chapel has been depressed lately, and Nyota Uhura is determined to find out why. The answer turns out to concern the person she suspected it would ... but she's surprised at the reason. Takes place a week after the episode "Return to Tomorrow." (Story contains one four-letter word, which could make it K or T, depending on how you feel about such language.)

  • The Size of the Chain

    McCoy wants to know what Kirk saw in Spock's mind when Spock mind-melded with Kirk at the end of "The Paradise Syndrome" — does the Vulcan feel, or doesn't he? Kirk won't tell, but he does give McCoy a rather large hint. (Although I sometimes write BDSM, there's none in this story; the "chain" in the title has nothing to do with kinky sex. :-D)

  • Reining In McCoy

    A delegation of Bridge officers approaches Kirk and asks him to review the security tapes from several incidents when Kirk was in trouble and Spock was in command. What Kirk sees on those tapes causes him to have a conversation with a certain someone... (Rated for mild language)