

  • About Severus Snape

    Not a fanfiction, just an essay I wrote because I didn't want to keep explaining to people why I don't like Severus Snape.

  • Who The Hell Is She?

    Things go differently, causing the King of Hell to gain a daughter who helps out a bit, causing our ever lovable heroes, the Winchesters to get a visit from a mystery woman. Set after Deathly Hallows, will most likely contain spoilers (if you haven't read, shame on you), set in Season 9ish of Supernatural. T for any language that may be used. I'm really bad at summaries, sorry.

  • Who Am I?

    "Who are you?" I hear that question a lot. Sometimes filled with fear. Sometimes with awe. I'm an Assassin of Chaos. But who am I? The simplest answer is I don't know. She never told me, and I never wanted to know. I woke up here and I remembered nothing. Not my family, not my friends , nothing. Did I even have a family, or friends? I don't know. Do i want to know?(T for language)