Minerva Nargles

  • Expect the Unexpected

    Fili thought of himself as a good brother and nephew, and, if he was being honest, a quite mischievous son (Mahal knew he gave his mother gray hair far too early). Fili gladly joined the quest to reclaim Erebor, yearning for adventure and to help his Uncle, protect his brother. What Fili did not expect, though, was finding his One in a form of a gentle hobbit woman.

  • Troubles with an arranged marriage (title subject to change)

    Saeniver did not want to get married to anyone, least of all a person who will not have enough time for the family because of his kingly duties. Saeniver only ever wanted to be was a blacksmith, to feel the blistering heat of the flame upon her skin, the heavy metal in her hand and hear the clang of a hammer as it helped her shape the aforementioned metal.

  • Just For You

    I do not know how long I have listened to the boy play but I know that I have never been as relaxed as I was at that moment in time. My eyes fluttered open when he stopped playing, the last note lingering in the air, drawn out sweetly. Tamaki/OC

  • Three times and the last one

    The first time Marco kissed him, Jean was pretty sure some weird thing was polluting the air, making him hallucinate.

  • Steal Your Breath

    A collection of one shots revolving around our favorite bad boy, Hanamiya Makoto.

  • Fili and Kili- to be little again

    Middle Earth was a place full of magic and wonders. Everyone knew that, even the bugs hiding under rocks. Sometimes, somehow, strange things happened. Like someone becoming a child again. It happened at the strangest of times and to different people. FemBilbo

  • In The Making

    The last two of my friends have surprised me the most. Both were types of people who rarely opened up (Rin was a bit of a crybaby but Haru... Was Haru and that was it) so seeing them doing things that they wouldn't do drunk (which made me suspect Nagisa put some drug in their juices) was quite... unexpected.

  • The Video

    What shocked me in this video was not Haruka having a tail and posing seductively, nor was it Rei wearing a lab coat. No, it wasn't Makoto being adorable in his fireman suit nor was it Nagisa being a space monkey.

  • The Tale of Jamie and Steve

    ...but he is also falling in love with the laughter lines lines near her eyes, her voice and a dimple in her chin. Steve was falling in love with Jamie Buchanan Barnes all over again. Stucky, femBucky

  • Kitty wants to play

    Kenma was a silent sort of guy, but, there were times, when you could get him to let our his voice. Kenma/Reader lemons. It just kind happened

  • Fade Away

    I wonder if I will ever see your face again And I know that I will find a way to shed the skin It's simple, I know that I will suffer in the end [Reader Insert, character death]

  • Unintentionally Voyeuristic

    Kuroo ends up in the closet and sees Kenma getting some action which had no connection to video games. He might have enjoyed it in the end.

  • Of Stalking and Traumatic Experiences

    Kuramochi, like every good (Sawamura vehemently vetoed this title being given to Kuramochi) senpai, had the best wishes for his kouhai (no matter how big of an idiot the damned boy was being). So, keeping Sawamura's well being in mind, Kuramochi has decided to observe (read, stalk) Bakamura and Miyuki (the moron). HERE BE SPOILERS

  • Mermaid's Tears

    One mermaid watched him almost every day, heart trembling and arms yearning to hold him close, lips wanting to feel the warmth of his. Haruka/Mermaid OC Listen to Mermaid's Tears by Jeff Victor

  • In the End

    It was an apocalypse. People were dead- one way or another- and they were trapped in Seido's basement. Isashiki Jun held on the hope of his friends managing to save them. But... In the end, it did not matter. Isashiki/OC, Zombie AU

  • Gone so Long

    Do you still remember my touch at all? I never meant to be gone so long. After years of separation, Kuroko and Makoto meet once again. Implied Aomine/Kagami

  • Losing You

    "No, it's the opposite. It's because I don't want you to mess you up, because I always fuck up- one way or another." Dean whispered as he turned her to face him. "Because I know that I will fuck up... I just don't want to lose you."

  • A Good Boy

    A man with one sapphire eye blinked slowly as he stared at the girl wearing almost nothing on his bed. His smooth cheeks flushed with color when a smirk appeared on her pretty, pink lips. The girl propped herself up on her elbow and beckoned one Ciel Phantomhive closer. His mouth opened and closed a few times, making him look like a fish (a very attractive fish).

  • Healing the cold

    Then she sneezed and effectively ruined the mood. "Ew." Taiga commented, making a disgusted face. "You just sneezed on my neck." "Oh my God." Makoto giggled, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. "It's not funny, you are spreading your germs on me." "Oh come off it, tiger. You are a basketball player, your immune system is better than most of the school's." She grinned at h

  • The Unexpected Life

    A modern woman, aged 32- almost 33, gets hit by a car while tying her laces. She opens her eyes to the strange new world and a tall man she calls an overgrown moth. Whatever will happen to her, I wonder? Surprise: femBilbo