
  • FateLost

    OC/Cú Chulainn. A sixth Grail War unfolds in America. A magus with a pedigree too short lived to be of any significance aims to be an apprentice at the Clock Tower. Naomi dives headfirst into the magi world with a blue Lancer as a Servant in a fate riddled trilogy that once tried to erase her existence. (Also on AO3 under Shadowolf27).

  • We Will All Burn Together

    I am a human from a different world, brought to Middle Earth by remnants from another time. I was not meant to be here and everywhere I turn I'm reminded of how I don't belong. I thought I could find purpose in an ageless world full of dragons and orcs by chasing after Thorin's Company to reclaim a kingdom, but nothing awaits us except fire and death. Fili/OC