
  • Shield

    Sometimes the forges of friendship can become our greatest shields when facing the battles. Bucky & Steve post CAWS one shot.

  • Embers of Red

    When an attack leaves her wounded Natasha reenters the nightmares of her dark past. With Steve as her shield, she must face the demons and resist the urge to slip back into web of the torturous weavers that made her become the Black Widow. The only way to come out alive and is for to put her trust into a man who made her frozen heart bleed, no matter how deep the bullet lies.

  • Seconds to a Heartbeat

    "Steve...I will find a way." he cried out, still gasping for breath, his chiseled and rugged features slick with tears. Lines of tears ran down his cheeks, making them dissolve in the feverish sweat rolling from his drenched brown locks. "I will save you..."

  • Shades of the Heart

    Natasha thinks she has locked up her heart for good, but one evening while sitting outside a cafe in Rome she discovers that no matter how far she runs his heart will always chase after her. Set after the graveyard scene. Post -WS Romangers Two shot.

  • Canvas of Her Soul

    She always wanted men to stare at the shields of her heart; but she never thought one artist from Brooklyn could find a way to capture her soul beyond the red darkness.

  • Recognition

    Bucky learns to understand the truth about Thanksgiving when Steve gives him something in return. His friendship. Post-TWS one shot. Bucky & Steve.

  • Breaking the Ice

    Sometimes all it takes is a cup of coffee to restore a friendship drawn by fate. Post Winter Soldier.

  • Love Surge

    She stands next him, close enough to feel his heart moving fast against her own. Barry/ Felicity oneshot.

  • Pumpkin Kiss

    Natasha makes a deal with Steve for Halloween and seals it with a kiss.

  • Beyond the Snowy Veil

    Steve knows victory and defeat, and the courage to fight against destruction. When he falls someone is always there to help him carry on the mission.

  • Solace

    Pre-Captain America: First Avenger. In a dire time of his illness, Steve finds comfort when he is shielded in the arms of a brother.

  • Frozen Tears

    Best friends never say goodbye to each other. CA: FA oneshot.

  • Heart Beat

    Through the haze of destruction and fire, Natasha sees her guardian angel emerge from the darkness. Her heart stops, but he brings back her back. He won't let her go. Romangers's two shot.

  • Snow Drift

    While the Howling Commando's chase HYDRA across the snowy planes of Europe , Bucky and Steve have a snowball fight which helps them remember the importance of friendship when they're on the battlefield. CA:FA one shot.

  • Close to You

    Natasha never lets him get close, but when she does her wounded heart mends.

  • Follow My Lead

    Steve has always been the leader on their missions, but this time he's following her. Romangers' mall escalator one shot.

  • Faces in the Ice

    Post-Winter Soldier. They're both wounded by the past, carry scars of ageless pain and in search for new existence. A story about Steve helping Bucky remember, and in return the reformed assassin helps his best friend heal from old wounds.

  • Meeting Halfway

    He wants to say that he loves her, but he knows she'll never accept those words from his lips. Bat and Cat one shot.

  • Strength and Weakness

    She always thought she found her hard core resilience by cheating the game of death, but when she looks into his deep blue eyes she knows that he is her shield against the storms she faces. When he looks into her green eyes he knows she will be the light that beckons him out of the void. Post CAWS one shot.

  • A Face of Memory

    He doesn't remember the name of his best friend. All he can remember is a face. CA: WS Bucky one shot.