

  • The Revelation in the Memory

    "His office needed to be cleared of personal effects. Booth was the first to volunteer." [Season 10 Angst] Agent Booth comes to terms with losing one of their own after sifting through valuable memories.

  • Homecoming

    "Jaeger and the others call you a genius, but you really don't see it, do you, Armin?" The blond frowned, unable to comprehend what the brunet was hinting at. "If you died, no one would have to tell your family, since your family's already here. We would just be reminded every single day that you're dead."

  • Crossdresser

    "You're wearing…a skirt?" Annie ventured again. She had always thought herself a fairly shock-proof soldier, only shaken by the strangest or most grotesque of things. However, the periodical oddity still managed to catch her off guard. Such as the sight of Armin Arlert in a skirt. Mikasa's skirt, no less. [AruAni fluff]

  • No Good Deed

    "No good deed goes unpunished. Sure, I meant well -well, look at what well-meant did. Since I can not succeed in saving you, I promise no good deed will I attempt to do again. " - When Annie escapes from the crystal, she cannot allow herself to abandon him to a traitor's death. Especially when he's taking the fall for her. [Inspired by "No Good Deed" from Wicked] [AruAni]

  • Absolution

    "I—I asked Mikasa if she had ever gone through this…" the blond started slowly. "Done something she regretted or done something wrong." Jean stiffened automatically. "Have you ever done something bad? Something you wish you could change?" "Yeah, Armin. I have." [Spoilers for Chapter 59]

  • Pirouette

    "She's twirling breathless and fast with him, accompanied only by the earthy scent of the dirt ballroom floor beneath her bare feet and the warm glow of firelight in her untamed, golden hair. Love is a graceful and dangerous pirouette. It is beautiful and it is terrifying." - The gradual evolution of the relationship between Annie Leonhardt and Armin Arlert [AruAni] [DrabbleFic]

  • Commandeered

    Entrusted with a mysterious scrap of paper by his grandfather, Armin Arlert sets sail on the privateer ship "The Freedom" with his friends, searching for answers. However, things become infinitely more complicated when the ruthless and enigmatic captain of the dreaded pirate ship "The Titan" sets her sights on a certain privateer ship and her blond navigator. [Pirate AU] [AruAni]

  • Blunt

    "Are you kidding me? I've survived a Kanima, a Darach, and Derek's psycho uncle, but my freaking appendix is the thing that almost kills me!" When a supernatural disaster leads to an entirely natural medical emergency, Stiles realizes just how valuable being human truly is. [PackFluff]

  • Agonized

    He wasn't concerned for his own life. He no longer feared death, but he didn't realize it until the cold barrel pressed into his fever-flushed skin. The assassin didn't realize that for Stiles, living without his friends was a fate far worse than any death. [Tag to 4x07 "Weaponized"]

  • Tycoon

    Or the disastrous results when Connie and Armin build a zoo and accidentally unleash the animals on the unsuspecting guests. [Modern!AU]

  • The Fourth, The Fifth

    He snaps open the cylinder again and fishes a small, lead bullet from his pocket. "One bullet?" Annie ventures. "One bullet," Armin confirms, dropping the tiny oblong ball of metal into the first chamber. "In a perfect game," he begins slowly, "there would be eight shots. Four for me and four for you." [First of the Hallelujah Trilogy] [Dark!AruAni]

  • Hypothermia

    "Thin, spiderlike veins traced a fragile path through the icy obsidian and encircled the two blonds. The titanium blades had sliced the ice sharper and deeper than either of the teens had realized. With one last heavy sigh, not unlike a dying breath, the once solid ice shattered into a thousand shards." A simple day of ice skating becomes dangerous for two teens. [AruAni] [TriShot]

  • Mercy

    Even if he could have seen the blade, she doubted that he would have been able to comprehend what she was about to do. He was too far gone. He wasn't Armin anymore. Mercy was hers to give, but she knew it would be denied to her. [AruAni] [Character Death] [Eventual Reincarnation!AU]

  • Wager

    "We'll play till breaking," he confirms. She feels as if a majority of their dialogue—it almost seems like a theatrical performance and they each play the opposing roles—is conducted through furtive glances and the controlled inflictions in their tone of voice. When they break from their cordiality, she wonders what will be revealed. [AruAni] [Warnings Inside]

  • Hobson's Choice

    A choice without an alternative - My contribution to AruAni Week - Day One: "Lost and Found" - "Still, he feels like he's lost something precious as he leaves behind one last half loaf of bread on the step. He knows she can't be an angel—as they are immortal, forever. He and she are simply, painfully human. Mortal and lost." [Eight Days of AruAni] [Individual Warnings Inside]