
  • The London Institute for Gifted Children

    It is 2014 and the world is a different place. The gifted have arisen into the mundane world. The gifted children could not be trained in a mundane school properly, so many institutes have sprung up to accomadate them. The best of these is The London Institute for Gifted Children, and for the younger sister of Tessa Gray, Lisabetta Gray, it was the start of her life.

  • The Secrets Between Us

    What do you do when your whole life is set in front of you, you know what you must do, what you must become, and you have become a different person to achieve these goals, then you meet someone, someone who can change your entire outlook on who you are, and someone you must give up everything for. Hermione G. Love Story/Lesbian Love Story

  • Fight when you must, But always leave your mark Chapter 1

    In a world where everything is different, where you are never safe. When you finally come to terms that you will never see your loved ones again. What would happen when someone from your past appears, someone you never knew could still be alive. Would you be thrilled to have someone, or would the past prevent you.